Day 2 - Monteverde
So today we made our way to Monteverde! After one, entirely too long bus ride and 20 kilometers of steep gravel roads, we arrived at the UGA Costa Rican campus. After lunch, our group made our way to the business headquarters of La Bella Tica Coffee and Monteverde Natural Cosmetics. These sustainable and organic businesses had many similarities as well as many differences in the way approach the business side of things. Monteverde is more aggressive in the way they handle their marketing side of things. They are actually distributing their products on Amazon verses La Bella Tica who only sells to San Luis and relying on word of mouth to be able to ship to customers outside of their area. Monteverde's initiative gets seen by many more ppl that La Bella's products. They're both similar in the way that they're sustainable. They both use Human Resources from costa rica to help the economy in their surrounding communities when making the raw materials for their products. La Bella is so sustainable that even their packaging is biodegradable and can be used to make compost that can fertilize their coffee plants whereas Monteverde bottles their products in plastic which isn't as clean of a foot print as La Bella Tica. Overall, both companies have Costa Rica's best interest in mind when making any business decisions.
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