Post Trip Review
After 10 quite eventful days, we have finally ventured back state side! I've learned many things in my experiences roaming around the country of Costa Rica. Some minor but notable lessons and some that made an actual impact on my view of the world. Upon our arrival, I immediately learned that considering myself an American is obviously offensive due to the fact that we're still in the Americas! Being the egotistical American that I am, I had never even considered the fact that these people were only in Central American and that they are in fact American's as well. This would only be one of many instances that I found out just how careless American's are to their land and their neighboring countries. Costa Ri ca was such an interesting country to vent ure around. They're sense of their surroundings i s so rich in the way they care for their piece of the Earth. They are heavy into the agricu lture industry and practice various way...